
Interview: ESSIAL newcomer Préscillia Dupont

Meet ESSIAL newcomers! Préscillia Dupont joined the project through a CIFRE PhD fellowship within JEUMONT Electric and UPJV, in close collaboration with ESIEE Amiens. Below, her interview in which she explains her background and role in 3 questions & answers. 

What is your academic and professional background?

I have an Engineering Degree from the Graduate School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering of Amiens (ESIEE Amiens). I also obtained a Master in Sciences and Technologies in Automaton and Electrical Systems from the University of Lille. Indeed, I did my engineering program at ESIEE Amiens where I specialised in Electrical Engineering and Sustainable Development. During my last year, I did a dual degree between ESIEE Amiens and the University of Lille in order to steer my career towards research.

Concerning my professional background, I did two internships during my academic curriculum: one in a university laboratory abroad and the other in a large company in France. This confirmed my affinity for research and I decided to go for a PhD. Nonetheless, I wanted to maintain an important link with the industrial sector. Hence, I have chosen a CIFRE PhD fellowship (i.e. Industrial Agreement of Training through Research) funded by ANRT, the French National Association for Research and Technology. Herewith, I started my PhD with JEUMONT Electric, one of ESSIAL partners. I am affiliated to the Innovative Technologies Laboratory of Amiens (LTI UR 3899) of the University of Picardy Jules Verne (UPJV) which contributes to my doctoral training. I also collaborate closely with ESIEE Amiens – ESSIAL Coordinator - which welcomes me to its premises (when I am not in the company). I joined JEUMONT Electric a few months before starting my PhD which allowed me integrate well in the company and to better understand industrial objectives of the ESSIAL project.

My PhD subject is about the study of laser texturisation of grain-oriented and non-grain-oriented electrical steels. I seek to improve their magnetic permeability and performance for them to be used in rotating electrical machines - as the ones manufactured by JEUMONT Electric - and then reduce their losses.

What is your role in ESSIAL?

As you have understood, my work has a lot to do with ESSIAL and I interact a lot with the project. I work for JEUMONT Electric, which theoretically only takes action in the project at its end for the conception and manufacturing of electrical machines prototypes. My role is to allow JEUMONT Electric to integrate the project upstream and to better grasp prototypes conception relatively to my study of the electrical steels. In particular, I study the impact of laser treatment on properties of non-grain-oriented electrical steels in directional field and on properties of grain-oriented electrical steels in rotational field.

What do you expect from the project?

The technologies developed within ESSIAL are extremely interesting in electrotechnics. It could allow a better optimisation of electrical machines and then help saving energy and resources, which is very important. I hope to participate in the ESSIAL project’s success through my PhD work. Being part of such a European project funded by Horizon 2020 is a real chance!