Technical Work-Packages
The concept of ESSIAL is based on the surface control, stimulation or induction of natural physical properties of magnetic materials, namely their tendency to organize in the form of magnetic domains and separating walls.
These tasks are covered in three Work Packages:
WP2: Manufacturing processes
Participants: UniLaSalle Amiens, CRM group, IRT-M2P, UPJV, UC3M, ANDALTEC, Fraunhofer IPT, LASEA
Duration: M1 to M54
From the modelling and characterization point of view, the first goal of ESSIAL is to establish MANUFACTURING PROCESSES that will define the intrinsic mesoscopic properties (mesoscopic walls energy, anisotropy and exchange coefficients, dynamic damping, …) that can be associated to the main metallurgical properties of electrical steels:
This will be done in correlation with the metallurgical manufacturing process parameters (rolling stresses, heat treatment, cooling cycles, and mainly surface treatment).
WP3: physical studies
Leader: UniLaSalle Amiens
Participants: CRM group, IRT M2P, MULTITEL, UPJV, UC3M
Duration: M1 to M45
WP3 - PHYSICAL STUDIES -, consists in modelling and describing the macroscopic magnetic and magneto-mechanical behavior laws, including static and dynamic effects, scalar and vector contributions and surface coupling with the magnetic structure and the finite geometrical size.
General microscopic and mesoscopic models, with previously defined intrinsic parameters, will be proposed and developed. It will provide the following information for both material engineers (optimization of process parameters, focus on surface structuring process, and packaging) and machine designers (properties compatible with CAD and design tools):
The models should describe the magnetic structuring behavior depending on the material nature (its intrinsic mesoscopic properties) but also on the geometry, shape and typical size of the sample (sheet thickness and surface quality and texture). The models will also consider magnetocrystalline anisotropy, magnetic exchange, magneto-static or demagnetization, eddy currents damping, Zeeman and magneto-elastic energies due to the structuring process under steady state; and the dynamic reversal processes and microscopic eddy currents under transient and dynamic working conditions (namely Domain Wall Pinning (DWP), Bowing (DWB), Displacement (DWD), Fusion (DWF), Nucleation (DWN), Multiplication (DWM) and Domain Magnetization Rotation (DMR)).
WP4: Proof of concept
Leader: UniLaSalle Amiens
Participants: CRM group, IRT-M2P, MULTITEL, UPJV, UC3M, EREA, Jeumont Electric, ANDALTEC
Duration: M13 to M54
When WP2 and 3 are completed, we will need to know the typical surface magnetic structure, considered as a limit condition. The ambition of the project is to make the control of the surface magnetic structure possible. To this end, we will be able to build on the results of WP2 and 3 to develop OPTIMISED SAMPLES AND REDUCED SCALE MAGNETIC CIRCUITS, which will be measured and characterized in a relevant number of manufacturing and working conditions:
WP5: Prototypes
Participants: UniLaSalle Amiens, CRM Group, IRT-M2P, MULTITEL, UPJV, UC3M, EREA
Duration: M31 to M57
The following step will be to provide end users partners (JEUMONT and EREA) with optimized materials. Three prototypes, close to commercial products, will be manufactured and tested:
WP6: Upscaling for mass production lines
Leader: LASEA
Participants: CRM Group, IRT-M2P, MULTITEL, EREA, Jeumont Electric, ANDALTEC, Fraunhofer IPT, LASEA
Duration: M10 to M57
In the fourth and last step (WP 6), the factory LASEA and the FRAUNHOFER-IPT will propose a complete definition of in-line monitoring and upscaling strategies for mass production.
Based on the metrology work achieved in the previous Work-Packages, an upscaling of the process will be designed by Fraunhofer IPT as far as the feedback control of the measured information is concerned. Fraunhofer IPT will develop in-line monitoring tools for the production process and the hereby manufactured surface geometries in two phases.
Starting at this point the process adaption will be done in tight cooperation with the machine integrator (LASEA) in order up-scale the technology for mass production
Support Work Packages
WP1: Management of the project
Leader: UniLaSalle Amiens
Participants: Euronovia
Duration: M1 to M57
This Work Package aims at managing the project in agreement with the EC rules, ensuring the quality of project reporting and organizing collaboration between the project partners, while monitoring the progress of the work plan.
WP7: Dissemination and exploitation of results
Participants: UniLaSalle Amiens, MULTITEL, UC3M, EURAMATERIALS, ANDALTEC, Fraunhofer IPT, Euronovia
Duration: M1 to M57
The main objective of WP7 is to identify the potential different routes for innovation and exploitation of the project results so as to maximize the project’s impact on the participating organizations and on the European industrial sector.
MATIKEM will carry out a search on scientific publications and patents, in order to keep the consortium informed of what is going on in the market. A valuable output of this technological watch activity will be the identification of European companies that could be interested in the ESSIAL innovation. Based on this identification of companies, a market study will be realized to estimate the volumes of production that will find customers in the actual European market.
Moreover, ANDALTEC will prepare a report on ESSIAL economic and environmental benefits of the ESSIAL products. This study will take into account the whole cradle-to-grave process of the developed products.
Finally, WP7 will disseminate the information about the ESSIAL project to a wide range of relevant stakeholders and to the public at large through various dissemination activities (such as conferences, workshops, newsletters, or a dedicated website).