
  • UniLaSalle Amiens (Coordinator)

    The UniLaSalle Amiens is an Electrical Engineering school and a research and technological center. Its two research topics are: the design and optimization of multi-physical systems linked to energy and of communication systems. The UniLaSalle Amiens hosts and benefits from an Excellence Research Chair program dedicated to Electrical Transfer through interfaces physics. Researchers from UniLaSalle are associated to the UPJV laboratories (partner 5) with complementary skills and topics.

    In ESSIAL, UniLaSalle Amiens Team will work on three topics: the ferromagnetic materials, the physics of interfaces, and the multi-physic systems to match the tasks of WPs 3 (physical studies) and WP4 (proof of concept). UniLaSalle Amiens will provide its skills in modelling magnetic materials, the electromagnetic and magneto-mechanical behaviours, measuring the magnetic properties, sizing the magnetic circuits of magnetic components and electrical machines and computing its main electro-mechanical characteristics and performances.

    UniLaSalle Amiens will assume the leadership and coordination of the ESSIAL project, of WP3 (physical studies), and WP4 (proof of concept).
  • UPJV logo

    Université Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)

    Two laboratories of the UPJV will be involved in the ESSIAL project. The LTI is an engineering science laboratory focusing on engineering of materials and complex systems. The research field of the 2MTP team (Mechanical Modeling and Transfer Phenomena) is complex systems, involving theory and numerical modeling in the areas of contact phenomena, dynamics, plasticity, thermal effects, vibrations, fabrication processes, etc. The 2MTP team, in particular, has strong background in the areas concerning reliability, quality, optimizations, finite element computations, discrete element modeling, mechanical study of new materials and modeling for engineering processes.

    UPJV will principally co-lead the WP3 (physical studies) and will bring its expertise in vibro-acoustic. UPJV will also be involved in WP2, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
  • UC3M logo

    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is a public university founded in 1989. Two research groups will participate to the proposal: Materials Performance, and Power Electronics Systems Group. The former belongs to the Materials Science and Engineering Department. It has a strong experience in adhesives, corrosion and durability, surface treatments and coatings. Particular efforts are carried out to involve microstructure, processing and properties. The latter belongs to the Electronic Technology Department. It has 20 years of research experience in the field of the analysis, design and optimisation of magnetic components. In addition, this research group has a close collaboration with some companies able to manufacture inductors and transformers, but also to test these components in industry applications such as railway power converters.

    The collaboration and synergies between both research groups allows UC3M to participate in tasks related to durability of materials, insulation, and design of magnetic components. A total of 10 people will collaborate on the project. UC3M will be principally involved in WP2 and WP3 (Materials Performance), while Power Electronic Systems Group is involved in WP4 and WP5.
  • Fraunhofer IPT logo

    Fraunhofer IPT

    The Fraunhofer-Institute for Production Technology IPT (Fraunhofer IPT) is part of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. (FhG) which is a link between scientific research and industrial applications. The Fraunhofer IPT in Aachen was founded in 1980 with the mission of conducting application-oriented research and development. The Institute offers a work space of 6000 m², from which 3500 m² are designated for the shop floor and laboratory facilities, where state-of-the-art projects are developed.

    The structure of the Fraunhofer IPT offers solutions to highly specific problems as well as problems that require integrated system-wide solutions. This is done by combining interdisciplinary contributions from the fields of process technology, machine and control components, metrology, quality management, technology planning and organisation.

    IPT will be involved in WP2 and WP6 and will bring its expertise in terms of in-line monitoring engineering and laser technologies.
  • Logo EREA

    EREA - Transformers

    EREA is one of the largest Low Voltage Transformer companies in Europe which develops, manufactures and sales his products wholly in Wijnegem – Belgium. Over the years, EREA has specialized in the production of transformers used in a wide range of sectors: Renewable energy; Hospital facilities; Electric vehicles; Public transport; Agriculture; Marine and offshore; Wellness, etc. EREA Transformers range from Single Phase Transformers (Power starting at 10VA) to Three Phase transformers (Power going up to 400kVA). The focus of EREA’s R&D team is on efficiency and low energy consumption. This has resulted in a specific product line: The EREA blue e³ series. These energy-efficient transformers ensure reduced energy losses. 

    In ESSIAL, EREA will be in charge the realization of one prototype in WP5 and will also participate in WP4 and WP5.
  • Jeumont Electric

    Jeumont Electric together with its branch companies is a major equipment provider to the power generation and conversion market. It has been manufacturing electrical generators and motors for all types of applications  ( oil& gas, marine, nuclear,hydro etc.) for more than 100 years. With over 650 employees, Jeumont Electric operates in Europe, in Asia, in the Middle East and in Latin America.

    Losses reduction during the use phase of machines and the corresponding environmental impacts is very appreciated by our clients and can add value to our offers. Also, improving the global environmental impacts during the end-of-life phase by using a friendly insulating process is an argument which is more and more heard by our customers if it is not costly.

    Jeumont will take in charge the construction of one prototype in WP5, and will also participate in WP4 and WP6.
  • ANDALTEC logo


    Andaltec, created in 2003, is a Spanish private non-profit entity with research capacities recognized as National Plastic Technological Centre in Andalusia (Spain). Its main objectives focus on improving the competitiveness of companies mainly of plastics and processed metals sectors and strengthening the economy through research, technological development and innovation.

    Andaltec has a large experience in the plastic sector with many different application areas such as lighting, transport and packaging. The main R&D lines can be divided as follow: the development of part design, simulation studies either product or process, product and process design, productivity and process improvement, environmental issues, development of new materials, packaging solutions, continuing training and scientific dissemination, prototype scale-up by means of extrusion, injection, thermoforming, compounding, as well as additive manufacturing technologies. Finishing of parts such as metallization, surface coatings with inks, paintings, varnishes, adhesives and so on, as well as characterization and validation, are also performed. 

    Andaltec will lead WP7 (dissemination) and will participate in WP2, 4, 5 and 6.
  • Multitel Logo


    Multitel is a private Belgian, non-profit research center, carrying out applied Research and Development activities for industry leaders, SMEs, and spin-off companies. Multitel is active in five R&D areas: Applied Photonics, Network Engineering, Signal & Embedded Systems, Computer Vision, and Railway Certification. In particular, the Applied Photonics Department has a strong expertise in laser micromachining thanks to its participation to successful European projects and through innovation services to companies. For instance, patterning on different materials such as metals, glass, polymers, and solar cells, have been realized to fulfil end-users objectives at the micrometer scale.

    In ESSIAL, Multitel is leader of WP2 dealing with the investigation of new laser applications such as surface texturing of ferromagnetic sheets. In addition, WP2 includes metal processing, and the insulating layer deposition and associated unbinding processes. Raw materials necessary to build magnetic circuits to be inserted in final prototypes will be textured by Multitel.

    Created in 1999, LASEA is a high-tech Belgian SME which has a unique expertise in the design, manufacture and use of laser systems for industrial purposes. More specifically, LASEA offers cutting edge laser solutions capable of responding to the needs of companies whose production lines include plastic welding, marking, and surface treatments.

    Its laser products and services are: expertise and prototype development, OEM systems, laser workstations, turn-key machines. Equipped with 18 laser sources (CO2, high power diode lasers, diode pumped solid state lasers (DPSS) and fiber laser in cw, ns, ps and fs ranges), robots (6-axis and XYZC1C2 tables), as well as various measurements systems (pyrometer, power-meter and vision systems), LASEA is able to develop and validate its new processes and systems before industrial integration.

    Lasea has years of experience in laser processing including laser plastic welding, marking and micromachining. The company will lead WP6 (up-scaling for mass production) and participate in WP2.
  • IRT M2P

    IRT M2P is a mutualized research center bringing together skills of industrial and public researchers. Created in 2013, IRT M2P accelerates innovation and growth for industrial companies, develops key technologies and provides technological platforms for industrial companies (processing of metallic materials, life cycle assessment and recycling, mechanical surface treatment, surface treatment and coating, thermal and thermochemical treatments, composites, forging, mechanical processes for multi-material assembly). Part of IRT M2P staff is composed of experts with skills and knowledge on materials science, heat treatment, surface treatment, chemistry, mechanical engineering. 

    IRT M2P will principally be involved in WP2 (manufacturing processes) and will work on metallurgy and provide microscopy analysis. IRT M2P will also participate in WP3, 4, 5, and 6.
  • Euronovia logo


    Euronovia is a French consulting company specialized in management of European funding projects, as well as in all related communication and dissemination activities. Euronovia gathers highly professional consultants with different backgrounds so as to offer trans-sectorial and transdisciplinary skills. Euronovia has a strong expertise in low maturity research projects as well as in SME’s innovation projects’ management. Therefore, Euronovia is used to deal with different stakeholders’ concerns such as SMEs, large manufacturing groups, universities, research institutes, clusters, etc.

    Euronovia is also specialized in communication and dissemination activities (French NCP’s newsletters production, community building, inter-clustering activities) to promote at a wider level the achievements of European funded programmes and projects. In addition, Euronovia provides support to exploitation activities to ensure an efficient use of the project results.

    Euronovia will assist the coordinator in the management tasks (WP1) and will bring its expertise in dissemination of scientific results in WP7.
  • Logo EuraMaterials


    EuraMaterials (formerly known as Matikem) is a French competitiveness cluster working with materials, chemical and green chemical industries. Its mission is to facilitate and accelerate the emergence of new R&D projects, to support collaborative innovation projects from the setting up until obtaining the necessary funding and the market launch of new products, services or processes. EuraMaterials has a high skilled team in charge of the technological watch and business intelligence which assures the regular monitoring of patent applications related to the technological fields and specific sectors of the cluster members (relevant for Task 7.1). Moreover, the Development Team of EuraMaterials is in direct contact with the industrials from Hauts-de-France region, particularly relevant for tasks dissemination and communication of the projects results, as well as for the market study.
  • CRM Group logo

    CRM Group

    At CRM Group, the activities are centered on the production, transformation, coating and use of metallic materials with a truly holistic approach of product and process development. Since 1948, CRM has been offering R&D and technology solutions focusing on the development of innovative processes and products that create value for industrial partners (worldwide steel producers, producers of non-ferrous metals, companies providing services and goods to the steel industry or promoting the use of metals). CRM combines skilled and experienced research teams with unparalleled testing facilities covering the whole manufacture chain of metals, from raw materials to advanced steel applications, ranging in size from laboratory scale to pilot and even semi-industrial production lines.

    CRM will principally be involved in WP2 (manufacturing processes) and will work on metallurgy and provide microscopy analysis. CRM will also participate in WP3, 4, 5, and 6.