Find out more about the roles of ESSIAL partners!
Olivier Maloberti, ESSIAL Coordinator - ESIEE Amiens
Olivier Maloberti is the scientific coordinator of ESSIAL. He explains here what ESSIAL is all about and what impact is expected for the European industry.
Yves Hernandez is the Head of the Applied Photonics Department at MULTITEL. In this interview, he tells us about the crucial role of lasers in ESSIAL and what challenges he has to tackle.
Camille Pineau is a research engineer at IRT-M2P (Institute for Technological Research on Materials, Metallurgy and Processes). Discover his interview here.
Préscillia Dupont, JEUMONT Electric/UPJV
Préscillia Dupont joined the project through a CIFRE PhD fellowship within JEUMONT Electric and UPJV, in close collaboration with ESIEE Amiens. In this interview, she explains her background and role in 3 questions & answers.
Herman Nollet is manager at EREA (Belgium) one of the largest low-voltage energy-efficient transformer companies in Europe. In this interview, Herman tells us about what EREA’s involvement and expectations as a newcomer in the project.
Meet Jesus Castillo, a mechanical engineer working as an R&D project manager at Andaltec, a Spanish plastic technological centre. Discover his role, achievements and expectations about ESSIAL in 5 questions and answers.
ESSIAL's External Advisory Board
Discover testimonies from the 3 members of the External Advisory Board: Sigrid Jacobs from ArcelorMittal, Thierry Waeckerlé from APERAM and Piotr Klimczyk from Brockhaus Measurements.
Anne Henrottin, LASEA
Anne Henrottin is R&D Manager in Optical Metrology at LASEA (Belgium), a company that produces high precision laser solutions. Find out more about her role in an interview here.
Fabian Zechel, Fraunhofer IPT
Fabian Zechel is a Research Assistant within the Optical Metrology and Imaging Group at the Department Production Metrology of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT. Discover his role, achievements and conclusions about ESSIAL in 5 questions and answers.
Frédéric Merle is a development manager at EuraMaterials, a french competitiveness cluster. Discover his role within ESSIAL in an interview.